Active Reconnaissance

You need to figure out the network topology in your own (as part of this exercise/module).

  Kali Username: cisco    Password: cisco

Exercise 1: Using NMAP

Open a terminal session in your Kali box and type nmap.

nmap -h

Task 1.1

Determine your IP address and your local network. Use an nmap ping sweep to scan the entire local network and look for any active hosts. Don’t scan any ports.

You can use man nmap or nmap --help to read about the nmap options, or click here for an nmap cheat sheet.

Task 1.2

Once you find all the active hosts, use nmap to find all the open TCP and UDP ports on those machines. By default, nmap will only scan the most popular ports. Override this and scan all ports.

NOTE: UDP scans take a very long time. Consider deferring UDP scans for later.

Task 1.3

Add Server Version checks (-sV) to gain more information about the services running on each machine you found in Task 1.

nmap -sV <victim IP>

Exercise 2: Add NMAP Results to Metasploit Database

Task 2.1

Task 2.2

Run msfconsole. Make sure the database is connected. What other database backend commands exist? Try help

# msfconsole
	=[ metasploit v4.9.2-2014042301 [core:4.9 api:1.0] ]
+ -- --=[ 1301 exploits - 778 auxiliary - 220 post ]
+ -- --=[ 335 payloads - 35 encoders - 8 nops      ]

msf > db_[TAB][TAB]
db_connect        db_export         db_nmap           db_status
db_disconnect     db_import         db_rebuild_cache
msf > db_status
[*] postgresql connected to msf
msf >

Task 2.3

Using db_nmap instead of nmap, run the same commands you ran in Exercise 1 to load information into the database. This information will stay persistent for successive modules. You should be able to run the services command and see the services found by nmap at anytime without scanning again.


Your results will look something like this (not exactly):

msf > services


host         port   proto  name           state  info
----         ----   -----  ----           -----  ----  22     tcp    ssh            open   OpenSSH 6.0p1 Debian 4+deb7u1 protocol 2.0  3790   tcp    http           open   nginx  5800   tcp    vnc-http       open   x11vnc  5900   tcp    vnc            open   VNC protocol 3.7  21     tcp    ftp            open   vsftpd 2.3.4  22     tcp    ssh            open   OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1 protocol 2.0  23     tcp    telnet         open   Linux telnetd  25     tcp    smtp           open   Postfix smtpd  53     tcp    domain         open   ISC BIND 9.4.2

Exercise 3: Using Wireshark

Task 3.1

Open Wireshark and listen to the eth0 network interface. What protocols are present?

You may only see BROADCAST traffic but it may be informative. Try some filters:

Exercise 4: DNS Reconnaissance

Task 4.1

Do a zone transfer of the domain using the dig.

If the domain you want to query allows DNS zone transfers, you can get those, too. The reality of life on the Internet, however, is that very few domains allow unrestricted transfers these days, and limit zone transfers to secondary name server IPs. You’ll learn how to bypass IP access control lists later in the course.

dig NS

dig AXFR
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